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If a model is hit while Climbing, roll RS versus the Attack ST -2. If you succeed, your model continues Climbing. If you fail, the model Falls and incurs Damage.
A model whose base is no longer touching a Level of terrain Falls straight down. To calculate Falling Damage, determine how many inches the model Falls and subtract its Size. The model suffers the total as a ST Attack versus its RS. Models that Fall are knocked Prone. If a model happens to Fall onto another model, that model also suffers an equal ST Attack, as calculated for the falling model, and suffers the Attack Ability Knockdown equal to the Size of the model that fell on it.
When a model is Engaged in melee combat, you may not move it without first attempting to Disengage. If you choose to Disengage a model, you must spend 1 AP and roll the model’s DR versus the opponent’s DR. If you succeed, you may move the model up to their SP in inches away. If you fail, the model remains Engaged and cannot move. You may attempt to Disengage until you succeed or the model runs out of AP.
You may choose to have a model go Prone willingly, or it may happen when the model Falls. While a model is Prone, the following applies:
•Prone models suffer -3 SP
•Prone models suffer -1 MA
•Prone models suffer -1 Size
•Prone models may not Climb or Jump
•Prone models may not Charge
•-1 RA versus Prone models
•+1 MA versus Prone models
You may spend 1AP to have a model go Prone or to have a model Stand when Prone.
You may spend 2 AP to move a model up to its SP in a straight line and ignore any Terrain Elements with the Keywords Hazardous or Rough it crosses, provided the model does not start out in the Terrain Element. Some Terrain Elements have the Keyword Jumpable. Models may Jump from a higher-level, Jumpable Terrain Element to one Level lower as part of their Jump Movement without suffering Falling Damage (see the Terrain Elements section for details).
There are two types of Attacks in Morpheus Engine games: Melee Attacks (MA) and Ranged Attacks (RA). Each type of Attack requires a successful Attack roll to hit its target. Typically, this is an MA versus DF roll for Melee Attacks and an RA versus DF roll for Ranged Attacks. Each type of Attack also has its own special rules and restrictions.
You do not have to roll to hit when targeting a friendly model (controlled by the attacking player), the Attack automatically succeeds.
You must follow these basics rules for all Attacks:
•Select Target: Choose the opposing model you want to Attack. The attacking model must have a Line of Sight (LOS) to the target (see the Line of Sight section for details).
•Select Attack: Select an Attack from the Model Profile that can successfully hit the target within its maximum range.
•Spend AP and Make Attack Roll: Unless the selected Attack states otherwise, all Attacks cost 1 AP.
•Make Damage Roll: If the Attack roll succeeds, make a Damage roll. Typically, the Damage roll is the Attack ST versus the target’s RS.
•Resolve Damage: If the Damage roll succeeds, the target suffers 1 Damage, resulting in -1 HP. For every three Success Stages you achieve after the first, you cause the target to suffer +1 Damage. For example, if you need a 7 to damage, you cause +1 Damage when you roll 10, 11, or 12, etc.
•Remove Models: Unless otherwise stated in Additional Rules or Special Abilities, models reduced to 0 HP are removed from play.
Some Special Abilities cause a model to be Incapacitated when it reaches 0 HP, instead of being killed and removed from play. An Incapacitated model is Prone, has 0 AP, cannot Clash (see below for details), and suffers -1 DF.
Line of Sight (LOS) determines whether a model can see (and therefore, Attack) a target or object, or if any other model or Terrain Element lies between them. To check LOS, draw imaginary lines from both sides of a model’s base to the mirror sides of the target or object. If you can trace an unobstructed, straight line from any part of the attacking model’s base to any part of the target or object, the model has LOS. When checking LOS, models and Terrain Elements of the same Size or Larger than the attacking model block LOS. All models in Ragnarok have 360-degree vision and do not need to face a particular direction to Attack.
Melee Attack Rules
A Melee Attack (MA) has two ranges: Melee (ML) and Melee Reach (MR).
ML has RN 0, which means the models must be in base-to-base contact for this Attack to hit.
MR has RN 2, which means all MA rules apply in a 2” area around the attacking model.
If a model is within ML or MR range of an enemy model, it is Engaged.
A Charge is a forceful combination of Movement and Attack. Charge costs 2 AP: 1 AP for Movement and 1 AP for the Attack. Charge follows these rules:
•A model using Charge adds +3 SP to make its Charge Movement. This Movement MUST take the shortest path possible to reach its target.
•A model using Charge must have LOS to its target and end its Movement within Melee Attack range (ML or MR).
•A model using Charge can make only one turn or change directions once during its Charge Movement.
•A model using Charge must move at least half its original SP in inches (round up).
•When performing its selected Attack, the model using Charge gains +1 ST to the Attack and +1 DR.
When hit by an enemy model in melee combat or with a Charge, the target model may choose to initiate a Clash, which allows them to be more aggressive and Attack in a melee exchange instead of focusing solely on Defense. A Clash does not cost AP, but must complete the following steps, in order:
•The target model initiates a Clash and selects a 1 AP Melee Attack within valid range. The target model must be able to Engage the attacking model in its current position with the selected Attack.
•The target model makes an Opposed DR versus DR roll.
•If successful, the target model carries out its selected 1 AP Melee Attack within range. After the Clash is resolved, if the attacking model is still alive, it may finish its selected Attack. The target model suffers -1 DF.
•If unsuccessful, the target model suffers -1 DF and the attacking model may finish its selected Attack. If the target model is still alive after the Attack, it can Attack at -1 MA.
•A model may only Clash as many times as half its AP total (round up) per Round.
An attacking model gains +1 MA and +1 ST to each Melee Attack if the sum of its Size and the Size of all other friendly models Engaged in melee combat with the same target is greater than the target’s Size. There must be at least one other friendly model Engaged with an enemy model to gain the Overwhelm bonus.
When a model voluntarily moves into ML or MR of an enemy model and chooses to keep moving without engaging the enemy model in melee combat, the enemy model may choose to attack that model with one ML or MR attack listed on their profile. This attack costs the enemy model no ap and is considered a Free Strike.
Ranged Attack Rules
A Ranged Attack (RA) is any attack with a range that is not ML or MR. The number indicated for a Ranged Attack is the maximum range, in inches, at which the selected Attack can hit. Models may not make a Ranged Attack while Engaged.
When targeting a model at a distance of more than half the Attack’s range in inches, the model making the Ranged Attack suffers -1 RA. Unless specifically stated otherwise in an Attack description or Attack Ability, a model never suffers a Distance Penalty to any Ranged Attack that targets a model no more than 6” away.
When you use a Ranged Attack to target a model Engaged in melee combat, your model suffers -1 RA. If the Attack mi
sses its target, it automatically hits the closest friendly model, which suffers all the effects of the Attack. If multiple enemy models are Engaged with the friendly model, the friendly model rolls DR (D4). If the roll succeeds, ignore the Attack. If it fails, the Attack still hits.
Some Terrain Elements or Special Abilities grant protection from an incoming Ranged Attack. If a Cover source stands between the attacking model and the target, it grants either Light Cover or Heavy Cover:
•Light Cover causes the attacking model to suffer -1 RA.
•Heavy Cover causes the attacking model to suffer -1 RA and -1 ST to the selected Attack.
If an attacking model is within 1” of a Cover source and the target is not within 1” of the same Cover source, that Cover source does not count as Cover for the purposes of an Attack.
Cover penalties do not stack. If a model would gain Cover from both Light and Heavy Cover sources, only the Heavy Cover penalties apply.
If the Attack entry lists Blast (x), (x) is the radius in inches from the Hit Origin that determines which models are hit by the Attack. The Hit Origin is the point on the model or battlefield where the Blast Attack lands. All models with bases partially or completely within the Blast (x) are automatically hit.
Blast Attacks can target a model or a point on the battlefield; this is called the Intended Target Point. If your Intended Target Point is another model, make the Ranged Attack, as usual. If the Attack hits, place the Hit Origin anywhere within the model’s base. If the attack misses, the attacker must make a Scatter roll (see below for details). If your Intended Target Point is a point on the battlefield, simply make the Scatter roll.
Scatter Roll
Roll 1D6 and 1D8. Each face on the D8 has a triangle shape that forms a point at the top. The Blast Attack Scatters in whichever direction the D8 points. The sum of the D6 and D8 is the number of inches from the Intended Target Point the Blast Attack Scatters. Blast Attacks Scatter a maximum of half the distance from the point at which they are fired. The new Target Point is the Hit Origin.
If the Attack entry lists Spray (x), (x) is the width in inches on each side of the Hit Origin that determines which models are hit by the Attack. Spray Attacks always travel the maximum range and ignore Distance Penalties.
To perform a Spray Attack, choose a target model. Draw a thin, imaginary line at the center of the target’s base (turning a tape measure sideways and using the thin edge works great for this purpose). This is the Hit Origin. Measure the Spray (x) on both sides of the Hit Origin. From those points, draw imaginary straight lines back to the edge of the attacker’s base, like the steps you use to trace LOS. This is the Area of Coverage for the Spray Attack. Roll to hit the initial target, and then roll Damage for each model that is partially or completely within the Spray Attack’s Area of Coverage.
If the Attack entry lists Line, it hits every model within the Attack’s range. Choose a target within LOS and draw a thin, imaginary line from the attacking model through the center of the target’s base. Roll to hit the initial target and then roll Damage for each model through which the Line passes.
Focus Action
A model may spend 1 AP per Round to Focus. This gives the model +2 to any one Stat, Attack ST, or Ability; or +1 to any two Stats, Attack ST, or Abilities. This Focus bonus lasts until the end of the Round.
Terrain Elements
Each Terrain Element has Keywords attached to it that describe the various effects the Terrain Elements have on models near to or within it. Before the game begins, the players should agree on the Keywords for each Terrain Element. Each Terrain Element must also have a Size.
•Blocks LOS: You cannot trace LOS through this Terrain Element. If a model’s Size is larger than the Size of the Terrain Element with this Keyword, Attacks may target it. In addition, if the attacking model’s Size is greater than the Size of the Terrain Element with this Keyword, it can see over the Terrain Element and Attack as usual. Typically, a Terrain Element with the Keyword Blocks LOS has either Heavy Cover or Light Cover assigned to it, as well.
•Climbable: Models may Climb this Terrain Element.
•Deep Water: This Terrain Element grants Light Cover to any model completely within it and reduces the model’s Size by half. In addition, Deep Water is considered Difficult terrain (see below) and a model within this Terrain Element cannot make a Charge action if it suffers any penalties to SP. A model in Deep Water may spend 1 AP to submerge itself below the surface of the water, which gives any enemy model using a Ranged Attack against it an additional -1 RA. If a model is ever Prone or submerged in Deep Water at the beginning of its activation, it must spend 1 AP to come back above the surface. If it cannot, it must roll DR (D3) or suffer -1 HP.
•Difficult: A model loses 2” of Movement per AP spent Moving into or through this Terrain Element.
•Hazardous (x): Any model entering or Moving through this Terrain Element suffers an automatic ST (x) hit.
•Heavy Cover: This Terrain Element grants Heavy Cover.
•Hill (x): (x) is the Size of the Hill. Hills automatically gain the Keyword Blocks LOS. While on a Hill, models add (x) to their Size when determining LOS. Any model that does not begin a Charge action from a Hill does not gain the standard +1 ST and +1 DR.
•Jumpable: Models may jump from this Terrain Element to another Terrain Element with the Keyword Jumpable. If the model does not have enough Movement to reach the Terrain Element, it Falls. Models jumping from a higher Level Terrain Element with the Keyword Jumpable to a Terrain Element one Level lower may do so as part of their Movement without suffering Falling Damage.
•Impassable: A model may not move through this Terrain Element.
•Level (x): (x) is the number of different floors a Terrain Element has. There must be some means to Climb between Levels (such as a ladder) for a model to do so. Each Level is Size 3 (so, a building with 3 Levels is Size 9). A model may not Attack between Levels while within the Terrain Element without adequate LOS to a target on a different Level. While outside the Terrain Element, a model may not make a Melee Attack on a Level greater than its Size. Models with MR may add +2 to their Size when making a Melee Attack. When attacking a target outside the Terrain Element, the attacking model inside the Terrain Element adds the current Size of the Level they are on to their Size when calculating LOS.
•Light Cover: This Terrain Element grants Light Cover.
•Obscuring: This Terrain Element Blocks LOS unless fewer than 2” of this Terrain Element lies between the attacker and the target.
•Shallow Water: This Terrain Element grants Light Cover and -1 Size to any model completely within the Terrain Element. In addition, Shallow Water is considered Difficult terrain (see above). If a model is ever Prone in Shallow Water at the beginning of its activation, it must spend 1 AP to Stand. If it cannot, the model must roll DR (D2) or suffer -1 HP.
•Wall (x): (x) is the Size of the Wall. A model may move through this Terrain Element if its Size is greater than or equal to (x); however, a model cannot end its Movement with its base overlapping a Wall. A model can trace LOS through a Wall if the target’s Size is greater than (x).
Weaponized Terrain
In Ragnarok, battles are meant to be epic and brutal. To help reflect this, you not only cause damage and suffering with the smash of a hammer or the swing of a blade, but by pushing, throwing, or otherwise forcing opposing models into Weaponized Terrain Elements. Listed below are some examples of Weaponized Terrain. We highly encourage you to come up with your own Weaponized Terrain to use against your enemies!
This Terrain Element has the Keywords Difficult, Light Cover, and Obscuring. If any model within this Terrain Element suffers from the Attack Abilities Pu
sh, Pull, or Knockdown, they also suffer from Impaled (1).
This Terrain Element has the Keywords Difficult, Heavy Cover, and Obscuring. Any model that has base-to-base contact with this Terrain Element and is not Engaged in melee combat may spend 1 AP to set the Lush Forest on fire. For the next three Rounds, any model that moves into or through the Lush Forest suffers from the Attack Ability Fire (2). After three Rounds, the Lush Forest becomes a Barbed Forest.
This Terrain Element has the Keywords Difficult and Hazardous (2). Any model that moves into or through the Magma Pool suffers from the Attack Ability Fire (3).
This Terrain Element has the Keyword Difficult. If the total Size accumulation of models within a 4” x 4” area of this Terrain Element exceeds Size 8, each model must roll DR (D2). If they succeed, the models move to the closest edge of the 4” x 4” area. If they fail, they fall into Deep Water and suffer from the Attack Ability Ice (3). This 4” x 4” area is now Deep Water with Ice (3) for any model that enters it.