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Creating Your War Clan
Every War Clan starts with a total of 800 Glory to purchase warriors and equip them with weapons, armor, and gear.
Each warrior may equip only one set of armor, one shield, and no more than three weapons. While they do not start with any other form of gear, it is important to note that each warrior can carry up to five other items (such as Usable Items). Any Equipment or items you do not wish to use are recorded in the Treasure Hall portion of your War Clan Sheet.
When creating your starting War Clan, you must first purchase a Jarl to lead your War Clan. After purchasing your Jarl, you may then purchase additional models to fill out your War Clan. Your starting War Clan must have a minimum of 7 models (your Jarl, plus 6 additional warriors), but may have a maximum of 12 models.
Each warrior has unique traits to consider when purchasing your starting War Clan. They are listed below.
Jarls are the nobility of War Clans; they answer only to Kings and Queens. After The Shattering, those Jarls who gave up their warring ways perished. Only those who came to power through the practice of warfare and raiding are left to lead mortals to godhood. Arguably the most potent warriors to grace the battlefield, Jarls prefer to lead by example: they kill and maim as many enemies as possible to show those who serve under them how it is done.
Bondi are the commoners in Viking culture and were considered the widespread middle-class on Midgard before The Shattering. Craftsman, hunters, sailors, fishermen, and traders, Bondi are also skilled warriors who are unafraid to take an axe to anyone who threatens their way of life.
Huskarl are elite soldiers that serve best as personal troops and bodyguards for villages and nobles. These warriors stand boldly in the face of danger, trained to take the brunt of any assault thrown at their wards. Huskarl are resilient and are typically equipped with the best armor available to ensure they can cast aside most blows that would kill a common warrior.
Savage and unrepentant warriors, through and through, Berserkers throw themselves into a rage and indiscriminately hack and slash their way through every foe that stands before them. It is unclear whether the rage they possess is imparted by latent Godspark or if they must endure rituals and substance use to reach such heights of anger; however, having a Berserker on your side is far safer than having one Charge at you.
The Skald are poets and storytellers in Viking society, widely respected by everyone around them. Now that the worlds are ending, these warrior-poets have a new purpose: to tell the tales of the new legends who rise to godhood and keep their stories alive for generations to come. On the battlefield, the Skald acts as a second-in-command. They help the Jarls coordinate War Clan tactics and cause their opponents to become angry and flustered in combat by reciting insulting lyrics and slights.
War Priests from the various settlements, the Gothi are healers that served the Aesir before The Shattering. Now that the worlds are ending, these sage clergy members raise their hammers to support the new warriors who are willing to step forth, claim godhood, and become the new Aesir. Gothi serve best as warriors that help distribute the latent Godspark that imbues the War Clan with Powers of the dead Aesir. They make it much easier to call on the gods’ flickering Powers.
Warriors who prefer to stick to the shadows and launch surprise Attacks, Speiders serve best as scouts for the War Clans. Their hope is to ambush their foes and search for any trace of danger that may lie ahead. Speiders typically choose Light Leathers when wearing armor, so they can move without impacting their speed or dexterity when using Ranged Weapons.
Weapons and Armor
Known as a mail-piercer or hewing-spear, this polearm stands as tall as a warrior and has a wide Spear head that can also be used like an Axe. Many heroes have used this weapon throughout the ages; it is a favorite among Huskarls.
Warriors have used many versions of the single-handed weapon over the years to inflict pain and suffering on their enemies. This entry applies to any standard, single-handed weapon of average length.
Common Clubs and Daggers are crude and simple weapons, both easy to use and easy to replace. They can destroy even the greatest of foes if placed in the right hands and used with murderous intent.
Great Cleaving Swords, Giant Axes, and immense War Hammers fall into this category. Warriors using these two-handed weapons cause wanton destruction with each powerful blow, and strike fear into all who witness their use on the battlefield. Warriors who take on the task of hunting great monsters typically use one of these massive death-dealers.
The Scythe is a modified harvesting tool. It is popular among commoners that became warriors after The Shattering. While it is slow and ungainly to use in combat, no warrior can deny the sheer cutting power the Scythe holds.
A warrior-sized wooden shaft with a pointed, metal tip, warriors have used the Spear since weapons were first made. Spears are the weapon of choice among many warriors to keep their enemies at bay.
The Sword of Kings, an Ulfbert is legendary for its cutting power and sheer craftsmanship. Any warrior who possesses such a weapon is sure to lay waste to an enemy standing before them.
Melee Weapon ST RN Special Glory Cost
Atgeir 3 MR No shield while in use 20
Axe/Sword/Hammer 2 ML 10
Club/Dagger 1 ML 5
Great Weapon 3 ML No shield while in use 15
Scythe 2 ML Savage, Cumbersome, No shield while in use 25
Spear 2 MR 15
Ulfbert 3 ML Lethal 65
The Yew Bow is primarily a hunting tool, but many warriors prefer it for taking out foes at a distance. The master of Ranged Combat on the battlefield, the Yew Bow’s reach allows marksmen to strike first if their enemies are caught out in the open, unaware.
A Sling is a crude weapon that uses stones as ammunition, typically for hunting small game. However, a Sling is also an easy weapon to employ on the battlefield, since ammunition is always plentiful and it is a relatively quiet weapon. Typically, a Sling is made from a leather cup attached to a pair of strings made from leather or cord.
Throwing Spears are typically shorter and lighter than their standard counterparts, which allows warriors to hurl them over great distances at the enemy.
Smaller versions of the typical war weapons, these Axes and Hammers are balanced for throwing. They may not have the same range as a Sling or a Yew Bow, but they pack the same punch at a short distance.
Combat blades balanced for throwing, the stealthier War Clan members prefer these Daggers. Unscrupulous warriors also find Throwing Daggers ideal for coating with poisons.
Ranged Weapon ST RN Special Glory Cost
Yew Bow 2 18 No shield while in use 30
Sling 0 12 15
Throwing Spear 2 12 25
Throwing Axe/Hammer 2 6 20
Throwing Dagger 1 6 15
Lightweight armor fitted to the wearer with padded cloth underneath, Light Leathers are pieces of hard-boiled leather sewn together to allow for maximum Movement.
Made from leather and metal, Scale Armor and Chain Armor grant warriors more protection than Light Leathers and allow them to survive longer against common weapons.
These monstrous pieces of armor are typically made from thicker animal hides, with metal plates and c
hain sewn into them. Huskarls prefer Heavy Armor, as do any warriors that wish to stand their ground against a flood of enemies crashing toward them.
Typical Viking shields are large and round, made from wooden planks with a center of iron or brass to help deflect spear tips and repel blows and projectiles. Warriors who use shields can create a barrier between themselves and their enemies (+2 Size), making it harder for enemies to Overwhelm them even when outnumbered in melee combat.
Armor RS Special Glory Cost
Light Leathers 1 5
Scale/Chain Armor 2 10
Heavy Armor 3 15
Shield - +2 Size when enemy tries to Overwhelm 5
Before The Shattering, the gods of Asgard wielded many great Powers. These Powers granted them senses far greater than that of any mere mortal, strength beyond all measure, and wisdom as ageless as time itself. When The Shattering destroyed the physical bodies of the Aesir, it also scattered their Powers throughout the Fractured Realms. Laced with the gods’ latent abilities, this energy the gods used to harness their near-unlimited abilities—known as Godspark—lies dormant, waiting for those worthy enough to harness the God Powers and become the new gods of legend. Any warrior dedicated enough to unlock their full potential can use these God Powers.
As those who gather Godspark begin to harness more and more of the Aesir’s former Power, they also start to take on the unique abilities the Aesir possessed before they perished. The God Powers become easier and easier to use, eventually Imprinting themselves permanently upon warriors deemed worthy enough to use such fantastic abilities.
Obtaining Initial God Powers
Each War Clan starts a campaign with three God Powers, which they can tap into using Godspark. Before the campaign begins, players should discuss how they want to select their initial God Powers. Each God Power starts off at its most basic entry and a War Clan can both improve its use of these powers and gain new ones over the course of the campaign (see Gaining New God Powers and War Clan Improvement Phase sections for details).
The first option is that each player simply chooses which three God Powers they want their War Clan to possess. The second option is more exciting and can create far more varied War Clans. Instead of simply choosing which God Powers they want to start with, each player rolls a D66 three times to randomly select their War Clan’s three Powers from the God Power Table. To roll a D66, you first roll a single D6. The number that comes up is your tens’ column. You then roll a second D6 for your ones’ column (for example, if you roll a 4 and then a 2, your D66 result is 42).
Die Roll God Power
11 Touch of Life
12 Engulfed in Sunlight
13 Rush of Purpose
14 Ward of Truth
15 Flash of Dawn
16 Shackles of Judgement
21 Blessings of Nature
22 Senses Beyond
23 Wise Queen’s Foresight
24 Walk on the Wind
25 Hold Fast; Stay Vigilant
26 Stride of 1000 Leagues
31 Winter’s Bite
32 Illusion of Intent
33 Dwell in Darkness
34 Steel Your Mind
35 Whispered Lies
36 Wanderlust
41 Battle Dance
42 Struck by No Mortal
43 Frenetic Blur of Blades
44 Thunder God’s Temper
45 Cast Aside Harm
46 Thunderous Blows
51 Split Mountains
52 War God’s Prowess
53 Stand Aside
54 Walk Atop the Snow
55 Kneel and Know Your Place
56 Fly True
61 Choose any one Power
62 Choose any one Power
63 Choose any one Power
64 Choose any one Power
65 Choose any one Power
66 Choose any one Power
Generating Godspark
All warriors bold enough to stare in the face of danger and perform acts of great heroism, proving they are worthy to be remembered in the sagas of history, generate Godspark. Most actions a warrior performs on the battlefield have the potential to generate Godspark.
When a player rolls higher than necessary for any Melee Attack, Ranged Attack, Mind-Based Attack, and most actions (other than Damage and Status effects), they generate Godspark. For each number a player rolls above the base result necessary to succeed at an action, they generate one Godspark for their War Clan. For example, if a warrior needs a 7 to succeed at an action and the player rolls a 10, they generate three Godspark for their War Clan. All Godspark enters a pool that War Clan members share during a game.
There is no limit to the amount of Godspark a War Clan can have during a game; however, at the end of each game, the War Clan loses all remaining Godspark.
Using Godspark
You use Godspark to fuel the various God Powers your War Clan gains over the course of a campaign. Each God Power has a base Godspark Cost that you must pay to use the ability listed. For example, a War Clan must spend a minimum of 7 Godspark to use the power Rush of Purpose. Some God Powers have one or more optional Boosts, which allow you to immediately spend more Godspark to increase their effectiveness. For each additional Godspark spent, you gain the benefit listed for that Boost. If a God Power has multiple Boost options, you can freely choose any combination of them. The amount of Godspark your War Clan currently has is the only limit to Boosting a God Power. Going back to our example, the God Power Rush of Purpose has a Boost that grants RN +6, and one that offers 1 additional DR This means you can spend +1 Godspark to increase the Power’s range by 6” or to improve the DR by +1. If you were to spend +2 Godspark, you could increase the range by 12”, the DR by +2, or the range by 6” and the DR by +1. So, in this case, if you use the God Power Rush of Purpose and want to increase its range by 12”, it costs your War Clan a total of 9 Godspark to do so.
You can spend Godspark instantaneously, at any time, during any action. This allows you to use defensive God Powers such as Cast Aside Harm during an Attack. You cannot use Godspark to retroactively change the outcome of an action that has already passed. Once you spend Godspark, it is removed from your War Clan’s Godspark pool.
Effects caused by God Powers end when the Round ends, unless Special Abilities they grant say otherwise.
God Powers
Each War Clan starts with three God Powers (See Obtaining Initial God Powers for details). As you play through a campaign, you have the opportunity to improve the efficiency of your War Clan’s existing God Powers (by lowering their Base Cost) and permanently Imprint the God Powers on various warriors in your Clan (see Imprinting God Powers for details).
Godspark Cost: 8
Boost: +1 Godspark / RN +6
The healing power of the Bright God Balder found its way into your control. With a mere gesture of your hand, you can use this warming spark of life force to mend the wounds of any ally within your divine reach. Your warrior gains the following Attack:
Attack ST RN Attack Abilities
Touch of Life - 12 Healer, Patch, Point Blank, Self
Godspark Cost: 7
Boost: +1 Godspark / RN +6
Boost: +1 Godspark / +1 additional DR
Heroes of old often gave praise to Balder to find the determination to complete the daunting tasks they faced in their sagas. That power now belongs to your warrior. With the gesture of a hand and outstretched arms, your warrior bestows the gift of god-like resolve, allowing his allies to accomplish mighty feats. Your warrior gains the following Attack:
Attack ST RN Attack Abilities
Rush of Purpose - 18 Aid (DR) (1), Point Blank, Self
Godspark Cost: 6
Boost: +1 G
odspark/ +1 additional Fire
Imbue any Melee or Ranged Weapon with The God of Dawn’s bright power to grant it the sun’s blazing power and ignite your foes. Apply Fire (0) to your next Attack.
Godspark Cost: 6
Your warrior focuses the power of the sun within to attune the heat around them, creating a shield of protection from both cold and heat. While Engulfed in Sunlight is active, the warrior using this ability has Immunity for Ice and Fire effects and Attacks.
Godspark Cost: 7
Boost: +1 Godspark / RN +6
Boost: +1 Godspark / +1 additional RS
The God of Justice’s remains give the gift of divine protection from all physical attacks. By uttering words of authority, your warrior can provide radiant protection to any ally on the battlefield. Your warrior gains the following Attack:
Attack ST RN Attack Abilities
Ward of Truth - 18 Aid (RS) (1), Point Blank, Self
Godspark Cost: 7
Boost: +1 Godspark / RN +6
Boost: +1 Godspark / +1 additional RS
Your warrior casts forth words of judgement from the God of Justice to weaken those worthy of punishment. Victims of the Shackles of Judgement find they cannot withstand the punishment from these divine words of authority. Your warrior gains the following Attack:
Attack ST RN Attack Abilities
Shackles of Judgement - 18 Drain (RS) (1), Point Blank
Godspark Cost: 6